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Washington (1994 July)

All photographs are from the State of Washington. MRNP denotes Mount Ranier National Park; ONP denotes Olympia National Park.

[Mount Rainier, MRNP]
Mount Rainier, MRNP

[Narada Falls, MRNP]
Narada Falls, MRNP

[View, MRNP]
View, MRNP

[Mount Rainier, MRNP]
Mount Rainier, MRNP

[Flora, MRNP]
Flora, MRNP

[Tidal pool, Beach 4, ONP]
Tidal pool, Beach 4, ONP

[Tidal pool, Beach 4, ONP]
Tidal pool, Beach 4, ONP

[Seascape, Beach 4, ONP]
Seascape, Beach 4, ONP

[Seascape, Beach 4, ONP]
Seascape, Beach 4, ONP

[Ruby Beach, ONP]
Ruby Beach, ONP

[Hoh Rainforest Trail, ONP]
Hoh Rainforest Trail, ONP

[Hoh Rainforest Trail, ONP]
Hoh Rainforest Trail, ONP

[Hoh River, ONP]
Hoh River, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP]
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP

[Victoria Harbour, British Columbia]
Victoria Harbour, British Columbia

[Victoria Harbour, British Columbia]
Victoria Harbour, British Columbia



[Ship Canal and Lake Union, Seattle]
Ship Canal and Lake Union, Seattle

[Ship Canal and Lake Union, Seattle]
Ship Canal and Lake Union, Seattle