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Washington (1994 July)
All photographs are from the State of Washington. MRNP denotes
Mount Ranier National Park; ONP denotes Olympia National Park.
Mount Rainier, MRNP
Narada Falls, MRNP
View, MRNP
Mount Rainier, MRNP
Flora, MRNP
Tidal pool, Beach 4, ONP
Tidal pool, Beach 4, ONP
Seascape, Beach 4, ONP
Seascape, Beach 4, ONP
Ruby Beach, ONP
Hoh Rainforest Trail, ONP
Hoh Rainforest Trail, ONP
Hoh River, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Spruce Trail, Hoh Rainforest, ONP
Victoria Harbour, British Columbia
Victoria Harbour, British Columbia
Ship Canal and Lake Union, Seattle
Ship Canal and Lake Union, Seattle